
Company T&L
DPS 584
Skill Handguns
Damage 140
Magazine Size 12 (Light)
Special Effects Stagger
Modifications Whisper Quiet Muzzler
Weight 1.00
Sell Value 550

Contraband is a Unique Weapon in The Outer Worlds. Weapons are used to deal damage to Enemies. Each weapon has different attack values such as: damage, rate of fire, reload time, etc making them more or less useful depending on the situation.


Did you know corporate security officers can seize your property simply by asserting its been used in a crime? Its not theft, its civil asset forfeiture!

Contraband Information

The following table displays additional information about the weapon capabilities:

Type Value Type Value
Ammo Type Light Magazine Size 12 (Light)
Skill Handguns Effective Range 25
Damage Type Physical Max Range 200m
Damage 140 Recoil 1.505º
DPM 24,360 Aim Spread Reduction 0.5º
DPS 584 Sway
RPM 173.91 Spread 0.35º
Rate of Fire 4.167 Shots/s Noise Range 3m
Equip Time 0.5s AoE Radius 0m
Reload Time 1.5s Max Charge Time 0s
Crit Chance 20% Ammo Per Shot 1
Crit Damage 130% Special Effects Stagger
Post Armor Multiplier 100% Condition (MAX) 5,000/5,000


Contraband Mods:

The Following Mods can be equipped in this weapon:


Where to Find & Location

  • Can be found inside the security booth at the Gorgon Security Checkpoint at Gordon Canyon


Contraband Notes


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