
Mod Type: Sight
Mod Effect: Post Armor Damage Dealt +15%
Weight ???
Sell Value: ???

Exact-O-Sight in The Outer Worlds is a Ranged Weapon Mod. Exact-O-Sight is (indicate short description/usage). Ranged Weapon Mods modify your Ranged Weapons such as Bullet, Energy, and Science weapons which improves them in many ways. There are different types of Mods including Magazines, Sights, and Barrels.


In-game Description


Exact-O-Sight Information

  • This mod can be attached to ???
  • Indicate mod effects



Exact-O-Sight Location/Acquisition



Exact-O-Sight Notes

  • Mods can only be installed when you modify a Ranged Weapon using a Workbench
  • IMPORTANT: Mods can't be removed once they're used, so put them on your favorite gear



Ranged Weapon Mods
Extend-O-Sight  ♦  FunTimes Barrel  ♦  Gyro Sight  ♦  Mag-2-Melt  ♦  Mag-2-Power  ♦  Mag-2-Ray  ♦  Mag-2-Zap  ♦  Mag-Num  ♦  SpeedyMate Barrel  ♦  Super Scoper 2000  ♦  Sure N' Straight Barrel  ♦  Whisper Quiet Muzzler


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