
 Type Debuff

Hangover is a Debuff in The Outer Worlds. Combat Stats are passives, stats, objects or abilities that affect how the player interacts with the world.


Hangover Provides:




Notes and Tips:

  • ???
  • ???
Adrena-Time Crash  ♦  Alcohol Addiction Withdrawal  ♦  Bleed  ♦  Blind  ♦  Burn  ♦  Concuss  ♦  Cower  ♦  Cripple  ♦  Dehydration  ♦  Drug Addiction Withdrawal  ♦  Exhaustion  ♦  Extra Paranoid  ♦  Fatigue  ♦  Food Addiction Withdrawal  ♦  Glooped  ♦  Hacked  ♦  Knockdown  ♦  Knockout  ♦  Maim  ♦  N-ray-diated  ♦  Nicotine Low  ♦  Phobic  ♦  Scramble  ♦  Sensitive  ♦  Smoke Addiction Withdrawal  ♦  Stagger  ♦  Starvation  ♦  Stun  ♦  Terrify  ♦  Weaken

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